
Our mission is to bring the coolest and most inspiring, world-class luxury and lifestyle experiences to vibrant locations across the Kingdom. A selection of unique brands never seen before in Saudi Arabia are now partnering with Cool Inc to create exceptional, bespoke offers. With our finger on the pulse of global trends and roots in local influence, we provide an ‘inside track’ to Saudi’s latest restaurant, travel, and adventure discoveries. We provide spaces to connect with other like-minded people and actively invite the tastemakers among our guests to shape our lifestyle offer.


Cool Inc is bringing the very best the world has to offer in innovative dining and extraordinary food to the Kingdom for the very first time.

Partnering with award-winning restaurants from Los Angeles to Tokyo and from London to Paris, Cool Inc optimizes their offer for the local market and translates world class experiences into uniquely Saudi wonders. From prime locations to pop-up events, our exceptional brands will be transforming the F&B offer across the Kingdom.


Our member’s clubs will offer everything you’d want in a club, in the Kingdom.

Bringing the most interesting people in Saudi together under one roof, members can connect with fellow tastemakers and innovators in exclusive curated spaces designed for the Cool Inc community. Here, the enjoyment of sharing the company of like-minded people will only be enhanced by the stimulating environment and outstanding service. These will be the best venues in Saudi to mix with other creative, cultured and informed people and to get the inside track on the newest innovations in leisure and lifestyle from across the world.


Cool Inc provides bespoke travel that simply cannot be experienced anywhere else.

We’ll ensure that guests can experience Saudi as no one has been able to before, by scouting the best locations, the most stunning landscapes and the uncharted destinations in a Kingdom that is waiting to be discovered. Our exclusive network of local travel experts create unforgettable, ultra-luxurious and personalized itineraries so that family, friends and colleagues can experience the Kingdom in unprecedented and exciting new ways.


Our adventure experiences redefine recreation.

From a unique family break immersed in nature to street sports and city-based adventure parks that inspire the next generation of adventurers or a custom survival camp experience for the next corporate retreat, our focus on the four key landscapes of our Kingdom means Cool Inc delivers unforgettable mountain, water, desert and urban adventures for the mind and body.


Cool Inc is taking a forward-thinking approach and bringing sustainable, immersive resorts and lodges to Saudi’s most beautiful, untouched natural landscapes.

From lush treetop suites to luxurious tented camps, each is created to combine sustainability with sophistication, so there will be no better way for guests to feel close to the beautiful nature of Saudi Arabia.


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